
It’s time to Travel Through History and be inspired.

Travel makes history come alive, and makes an impression on your life because the story always matters. The story you tell contains the elements that are most important to you. So enjoy these photos and the stories they tell. I hope they will encourage you to travel more and create your own stories, because life is about your history. I found this sign on a store in Paris and thought it was very appropriate for what I wanted this site to be about.

C'est votre histoire

It’s Your History

These photos and stories  represent my impressions of what I discovered as a result of a class on the Medieval History of Paris. By taking this class I was able to understand how travel helps you to discover “Your Story”, the parts of history that become a part of you.

The more you see, the more you want to learn. As I look at a photo and try to offer a little information, the photo leads me into another direction, and the web of information expands. I don’t know how I will ever finish this site, because every photo leads me to several different stories and I want to explore something different. My list of books to read and movies to watch continues to expand.  



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