Cafe Gourmand

Cafe Gourmand

My favorite café gourmand – café crème, honey ice cream, chocolate mousse and crème brulee.

Most restaurants in Paris offer a café gourmand on their menu. It’s a creation that includes an espresso and a few mini-desserts, served on the same plate. The mini-desserts are usually the choice of the Chef, but some of the smaller restaurants will let you choose from a variety of pre-determined Chef selections. On my last day in Paris my waiter at the Café Primrose let me order my two favorite items.

Wikipedia claims that café gourmand began in Paris in 2005, but who knows? The translation for café gourmand is gourmet coffee; or greedy coffee. All I know is it’s a way to have a variety of desserts, in portions that don’t make you feel too guilty!!!

Custom Cafe Gourmand

My last café gourmand in Paris – café crème and sweet cheese with raspberry coulis; and a café crème

Another Cafe Gourmand

Someone else’s Café Gourmand