“Love Locks” on the Bridges of Paris

Walking along the Seine and enjoying the bridges of Paris you notice all of the locks that visitors have placed on the bridges as symbols of their love. The first locks may have been a real expression of love but you can see how the locks have become commercialized. Before you can walk the bridges, you are approached by vendors with a variety of locks you can purchase. On the bridges there are more vendors encouraging you to purchase a lock.

498The locks have taken over the bridges and their weight causes damage to the bridges. The locks block the view and have become real eye sores.


I didn’t really notice how the locks block the view and detract from the overall beauty of Paris until I was examining my photo of a beautiful bride that I happened to catch on the bridge. As I checked the background, I was disappointed to see all of the locks.


Perhaps the bride had come to the bridge for the locks, but more probable, she had come to the bridge to have the Eiffel Tower or some other incredible landmark as background.

When you go to Paris resist the temptation to “show your love” by placing a lock on the bridge or any other structures, like the Flame of Liberty.





Click here for more information about Love Locks or to sign the petition to eliminate love locks and find an alternative way to express your love.